
This site is dedicated to exploring the world through cheap lenses and any film I can get my hands on. Nothing is digitally captured or manipulated. What you see is what I shot with film, and film only.

Enjoy ~


Feel free to contact me for information. Perhaps in the future, if there is interest, prints will be made available for purchase.

Also, please do not copy or distribute my photos without prior consent. All images are copyright © Patrick Bresnahan



Instagram: @pjbreaze

79 thoughts on “About

  1. Awesome… I admire when someone still uses film. I don’t because I do not know how to and I feel it is a continuous investment. Your photos are great. Kudos.

    • I’m glad you enjoy my photos, thanks. I feel there are many good reasons to use film. Here’s a bit of my writing on using film over digital.

      I’ve been asked countless times before why, in this digital,
      technology crazed age, I’m still using film. Isn’t it limiting? Isn’t
      it expensive? Isn’t it antiquated? Not at all. There are so many
      reasons why to use film over digital cameras. For one, it’s simply
      more fun. Digital cameras give us that instant gratification. You take
      the shot, look down, see it right away. With film, you gotta wait. The
      excitement and anticipation to see what you captured can be really

      Also, I feel that using film cameras can make us better photographers.
      We’re limited by only so many photos on the roll we have ready. So, we
      must ask ourselves what we want to capture. Instead of taking seven
      thousand mediocre and twelve good digital images in an afternoon, we
      have to focus on making every frame of film count. For me, using
      digital cameras can be too mindless. If I have film, I’m naturally
      concentrating more on my lighting, my angle, subject, everything. More
      energy goes into producing one shot. And, since my mind’s in it, I’ll
      know why the image was wrong if it comes out poorly. So, the next roll
      should be better since we all inherently learn from our mistakes.

      I also like to shoot film on several toy cameras because of their
      flaws. Digital cameras can yield these perfect, crisp images. Yet, the
      world isn’t always so lucid. I’d rather capture more of an impression
      of my surroundings. Also, I’m not one for photoshop. Absolutely none
      of my pictures are photoshopped in any manner. Digital photography
      often feels like an imitation of sorts to me. Folks go out, shoot
      digitally, and spend hours in front of their computers digitally
      manipulating their pictures – making them like toy camera snaps. I’d
      rather shoot with a toy camera and skip staring at a screen. I want to
      go out, take a photo, and be proud of it the way it came out as
      opposed to liking it only after it has been digitally edited. Some of
      my cameras give light leaks, strong vignetting, and all sorts of other
      unpredictable results. It makes photography more exciting. With
      digital, there’s really no surprise as to how one’s shot is going to
      turn out.

      One other benefit of film photography is its tangibility. You can
      hold, touch, sniff a negative. It feels real, and you can keep it
      forever. Sadly, hard drives crash. USB sticks get lost. I feel it’s
      easier to hold onto a pile of negatives.

      I do a lot of my work in a darkroom, developing and printing my own
      black and white photos. This is an art and skill that can be really
      satisfying. Watching an image emerge on a piece of paper in a red lit
      tray is so fascinating.

      Lastly, one can be very experimental in using film photography. One
      technique I occasionally practice is cross processing, meaning
      developing slide ( positive image ) film in color negative chemicals.
      This gives odd color shifts, vibrancy, and ultimately a trippy looking
      photo. Another thing I experiment with is double and multiple
      exposures, which is taking several pictures on the same frame. The
      results can be really dreamy. Sometimes they come out a complete mess,
      distracting to the eye. Yet, sometimes they work really well. I also
      do a bit of camera modification, mainly turning a Holga medium format
      camera into a 35mm shooter. ( I wrote about that before on FB ) Also,
      I’ve tried my hand at making my own redscale film. Essentially, it’s
      just taking out film from one canister, inverting it, and putting it
      into another empty canister. When the light comes in and touches the
      opposite side of the film, images turn red and smoldering oranges.

      • Ah, but you can! It’s never too late to start shooting film and learning how to develop and print in a darkroom. The opportunity is always there, you just gotta look 🙂

      • You make several valid and strong arguments for the continued use of film. And I still own and occassionally use my film cameras. I too love the anticipation of seeing if I actually ‘got everything right’ before I clicked the shutter. And then learning how to fix it if I didn’t. But I’ve not changed my shooting process that much by going digital. I still am meticulous as to setting f/stop and shutter, of getting just the right angle, exploring backgrounds before I click in order to remove distractions, focusing on the subject at hand and ensuring that I am creating as near to the image in my head what I want to see in the after product. So to me switching to digital has not been an abandonment of the skills I learned when I first learned to shoot. It just gives me a more expedient path to the results. It speeds the learning process. It is more unfortunate to me that universities and schools have so readily taken to not teaching the basics as thoroughly as they should. Of teaching the individual behind the camera how to see light the way the lens does. Even worse is to hear people – not just regular people but clients – say you can fix that in photoshop right? I too hate spending hours at the computer making adjustments to images. Which is why I fall on my tried and true, old school methodologies of capturing the images to begin with. So I don’t have to spend hours at the computer. And one last note – if you don’t want to see what you just shot – turn off the review button, shoot 12, or 24, or 36 frames (granted it means counting these in your head or by making notes), download the images from the card without reviewing them – and be surprised. I know its not the same as touching a negative. But there is going to come a day when there will be no film. I will mourn that day. As will many of my photographer friends. In closing let me say this, you have some wonderful work on here. And I am truly thrilled that you don’t show anything that didn’t start from a film negative image. Keep up the good work.
        Take care

      • I totally agree. Shooting digital with a film mindset is great. Photography is all about patience and control. Neither of which requires using film, although I definitely find it easier to be patient and in control when I’m shooting film.

  2. Thanks for the follow. It’s great to meet another “film user” there’s not many of us left. The wife and I shoot strictly film mainly Ilford HP5 and FP4. We use mainly medium fofrmat, some 35mm and Holgas or other cheap or antique cameras. Keep up the good work. Looking forwrd to seeing more of your images

    • For sure, the world has gone digital. Yet, I feel film certainly still has its place. I love medium format, although I only have a holga and a holga pinhole wide for 120. I’d love to get my hands on a hasselblad someday when I’ve got some extra cash. Cheers, I also look forward to seeing more of your photos!

  3. Thanks for following my new photography blog and, I am sure, watching all the mistakes as I try to get seriously back into film. Wish I had a darkroom though – I never had problems with keeping films flat when I used an enlarger then developed prints; now I’m having major problems keeping my 6x9mm negs flat for scanning.

    • I have problems keeping my negatives flat as well. I really ought to invest in a binder to keep them all organized and protected. At the moment, I have my negatives in sleeves, but they’re all out of order. For scanning, I use an Epson V500. It has little inserts that keep the negatives flat for being scanned. You might want to try using something like that. Although I’ve never done it, I’ve heard that setting up one’s own darkroom isn’t terribly difficult to do. Either way, I hope you enjoy getting back into film photography~!

  4. Your photographs are amazing and that you develop them yourself is even more special! Someday I hope I do the same. I also love that you play with exposure. Really fantastic.

    • Thanks, I’m really glad you like my work~! Well, I only do black and white developing and printing myself. I haven’t learned how to develop color film just yet, but it’s something I’m interested in trying in the future : )

    • Thanks so much, I’m happy you like what I’m doing ^^ I think all cameras – from disposable to digital – are capable of creating amazing images. I checked out your blog, and your photos are fantastic! Don’t worry about what you use to shoot, just focus on shooting : )

  5. I remember working in the darkroom back in the 60’s during H.S. and College with B&W, mostly 400 ASA because many shots were of sports events. Thanks for stopping by. A very intriguing infrared photo.

    • Thanks so much. I love working in the darkroom. There’s something very soothing about it. Also, watching images appear is so fascinating! I think it’s an art and craft that more people ought to enjoy. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting~!

  6. PJB, I have always loved photography. Your work is truly high quality. I especially enjoy “Yawoori Flowers”. The colors are brilliant. True eye candy. “Pink Patterns” makes me want to stare at it for hours. It makes me think of Las Vegas, physics lab, and outer space all at the same time. You have captured the subject and the scene perfectly in “Winter is Comming”. My absolute favorite is “A Korean Grandma”. This is truly gallery quality. It is impossible to gaze at this shot and not try to fill in the blanks of her past and present. Well done. Please contact me if you decide to sell some of your work.

  7. Wow, thank you so much for your kind words. They really encourage me to keep on exploring the world, its places and inhabitants through photography. I’m really humbled, and I’ll certainly notify you if I start making prints for sale.

  8. Hi Patrick,
    I`m so glad that you wrote a comment on my blog, so I had the chance to find your wonderful blog!!! I subscribed myself for the next great posts and I`m excited to see more!
    Your images are full of life, skills and joy in life, and that`s a point I love a lot! One of the reasons is that you are just working analogue!!!
    I start years (I mean really years ^_^) with analogue cameras like Voigtländer, Pentax 6×7, my lovely Nikon, Hasselblatt, Polaroid SX70, Mamiya and so on and I still love analogue, and there is nothing better than this!!! I know, but this is more than expensive here in germany, even when I develope the film and print the pics myself in the dark room, so today I`m working a lot with digital…and I`m also not manipulate so much by editing…except the colors and the graduation, like in the analogue print. So I love your point of view and your skill to make images on the fine great old way!!! Happy to see more of your work!!!
    Just a question: why do you have so many pics from Korea here on your blog? Just asking, because I`m korean in germany ^_^
    I will copy your header to ad your blog on my…I would like to share your works with my few followers, hope that more people can see your blog, hope that this is ok for you.

    • Hey Yuna, it’s great to hear from you! I’m really glad you enjoy my work. I haven’t had this blog for very long, and I’m very pleased to be getting so many warm compliments from folks all over the world. I’m so happy that I stumbled across your blog. It’s amazing! I think you have a wonderful eye for photography.

      Yes, shooting analog is my passion! I really don’t find taking digital pictures all that interesting. Sure, digital is convenient but there’s not as much anticipation or excitement. I think shooting analog is more rewarding – you have to be patient, wait, and hope your photos will turn out alright. Then, when you get a good shot, it feels really rewarding : )

      I must admit, I’m jealous of your camera collection! I’d be thrilled to have a Pentax 6×7. Polaroid SX70, or a Hasselblad in particular. I’m saving up some income at the moment. I’d really like to get a nice Rolleiflex for some candid street photography. I’d also really like to get my hands on a Mamiya 6. Medium format is so much fun to shoot!

      I have access to a darkroom, so I do all my black and white developing and printing there. It’s such a cool feeling, to watch your photos appear from nothing, emerge from the tray, and come to life : )

      Actually, I live in Korea. I started getting into film photography roughly a year and a half ago while staying here. I’m originally from the States but I’m now teaching English at a university in Anseong. It’s near Pyeongtaek, if you’re familiar with the area. How very cool it must be for you to live in Germany! I’d love to visit Europe sometime.

      Anyhow, I’m happy that you enjoy my photography! Thanks so much for sharing it on your site. Hopefully I can continue producing photos that you and your followers appreciate : )

      Take care,


      • Oh, yes you are so right!!!
        The point that you are doing that only for a year now, it`s great! That must be talent!!! ^_*
        And I`m impressed that you are doing everything by yourself, the development and the printing…I think you have to, when it`s your pic, I`ve also done that always!
        It must be very exciting to live as foreigner in another country…look at me, ha ha!!!
        I would like to introduce your blog in a special post on my, for that I would like to take some pics from your blog, will be that ok for you? OF COURSE I respect your copyright!!! I know how important this is, I know what I`m saying, because I made some bad experience with my images.
        best wishes & looking forwardly for more great works!!!

      • Well, my color, slide, and color infrared work I have to send to the lab. I can only do black and white developing and printing, but I’d be interested in learning how to do color development in the future.

        Sure, living in Korea has its perks. I’m able to travel to a lot of countries that I’d never dreamed of visiting. Yet, I’m far away from my family. I get homesick a lot, and I’m sure you do too.

        Sure, I’d be happy to share my photos on your site! I don’t mind people using my work as long as it is credited to me. I just don’t want people stealing what I’ve put a lot of time and effort into. But anyhow, feel free to share my work. I’m happy and humbled to get more exposure for my photography : )

    • Well, I’ve certainly got no complaints! I really do enjoy film photography. It makes me slow down, observe, and appreciate all the beautiful sights around me. Now if I could just figure out how to make it pay the bills… : )

    • Awesome! I’m glad you’re taking an interest in lo-fi photography. Well, I’m a big fan of medium format (120 ) photography because I like the big square images. They’re better for scanning and printing. However, you only get 12 shots on a roll. If you go with 35mm, you’ll get a lot more photos but they’ll be smaller in nature. It all depends on what you’re going for. I’d recommend trying out a roll or two of each and seeing what you like. Don’t be discouraged if your photos don’t come out fantastic right away. It will most likely take some practice to get desired results. I hope you have a blast shooting on your new lomo camera!!

    • Thanks so much! I really enjoy your blog. Your street photo skills are definitely top notch. Yes! Korean food is delicious. I’m lucky enough to be able to eat it daily. Certainly try to visit if you’re able. Korea is a fine place, and there are many photo opportunities over here.

  9. Thanks for stopping by and liking my recent post ‘Word of the Week Challenge entry – Clouds’ – your support is appreciated. 🙂 You have some wonderful images here, I look forward to seeing even more.

  10. Thanks for the door likes. I also shoot film – medium format. Will have to post some. It is not easy – I have a love hate relationship with my Mamiya 7 II. Sometimes I struggle with it but when I see those slides it is all worth it.

    • No problem! I love shooting medium format. I nearly always prefer it to 35mm. A Mamiya 7 is a wonderful camera and I’m sure you’re able to capture fantastic slides with it! I’d love to get my hands on a Mamiya 6 some day – I just like the 6×6 format a touch more : )

    • Thanks, it’s my pleasure. I enjoy your photos. Sure, shooting film might take a bit more effort, but I think it’s worth it! Thanks again, I hope I’m able to continue capturing images that you enjoy ~

  11. The pleasure of connecting deeply within your self during the process of exposing, developing and printing film is hard to replace with digital. I utilize both film and digital… Film is my first and forever love for personal self-expression. Love your work! Thank you for liking the post on my counseling site. When you have time I would love to share with you my personal images at http://hcmphoto.wordpress.com/
    This site was just created and I am transitioning my web domain currently to this address above.
    Happy image making!

    • I couldn’t agree more about film being great for self expression! I’m glad you like my work. I just checked out your photo site and it’s brilliant! Nicely done, and I’ll be sure to follow you and check out your future posts. Cheers!

I'd love to hear your thoughts! Please feel free to comment ~